Why it makes sense to hire an architect for home renovation



Why it makes sense to hire an architect for home renovation


Advantages of using an architect for home renovation


Planning a home renovation is an exciting process, full of ideas and inspiration. But how to turn all those ideas into reality? For many homeowners, engagement professional architect represents the first step towards the transformation of their home. But collaborating with an architect is a process that is foreign to many of us.


A job Boljimajstori.rs jeste da, Vas uvede u proces rada sa profesionalcima koji su posvećeni svom poslu i koji će učiniti Vaš projekat mogućim! Bilo da je to renoviranje, restuaracija, ili facelift – pokazaće Vam zašto vlasnici kuća sve više angažuju profesionalne arhitekte. Hiroko Lindsey je profesionalni arhitekta koja je radila na preko stotine projekata kada je reč o renoviranju kuća. Želi da Vam pojasni proces rada sa arhitektom.



Contacting the architect


Kada prvi put kontaktirate arhitektu za renoviranje Vašeg doma, prva stvar koju urade jeste da dođu i pogledaju mesto koje je potrebno renovirati. Kada Hiroko započne novi projekat, ona se sastaje sa klijentima u njihovom domu da bi porazgovarali o njihovim vizijama. Ona još voli da taj termin nazove „razgovor iz snova“ jer radi sa klijentima kako bi njihove snove pretvorila u stvarnost.


„Ovo je moj omiljeni deo procesa“, priznaje Hiroko. „Zato što od nečeg apstraktnog prelazi u nešto sto je moj klijent imao kao viziju“.


However, the architect's job is not only to visualize the client's dream, but to turn it into reality. The years of training and experience that a professional architect brings to this process is invaluable. As part of the initial meeting at the owner's home, Hiroko will carefully measure everything in the existing space and then create a computer-aided model. A good understanding of the existing structure is the key to a successful renovation, says Hiroko.


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„To može biti prilično nezgodno – to su prilično nepoznati uslovi kada prvi put udjem“, kaže ona. „Srećom, dugo sam u ovom poslu kao arhitekta i obično mogu dobro da procenim kako stvari stoje. Ponekad tokom renoviranja pronađemo stvari koje nisu u skladu sa kodom ili ih treba popraviti. Moja stručnost kao arhitekte, u kombinaciji sa dobrim razumevanjem postojećeg strukturalnog doma, pomaže mi da identifikujem te stvari. Moj posao je da ujedinim proces od samog početka“.



Working with an architect


The design and drawing process for home renovation is highly interactive and tailored to each client.


Prva faza je dizajn crteža, gde se ostvaruje vizija klijenta. Hiroko može da ide napred – nazad nekoliko puta sa crtežom dizajna, da bi bila sigurna da je savršen. Mnogo je lakše napraviti određene izmene u ovoj fazi renoviranja kuće nego na kraju izgradnje!


Sledeća faza jeste građevinski crtež – odgovarajuće detaljan nacrt koji bi omogućio izvođačima radova da daju ponudu za projekat – i nacrt koji daje dozvolu.


A permit drawing is a specially detailed drawing designed for presentation to the relevant permitting authorities. A good drawing can help make the permitting process go smoother and faster. Hiroko's in-depth knowledge of building codes throughout Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts where she works helps ensure successful renovations. Coding and permitting requirements can be daunting, especially for waterfront properties, which Hiroko considers her specialty.


These drawing stages are also where the materials for the house are chosen. An architect can ensure that the materials used in the renovation are not only durable and safe, but also stylish for many years to come.


Hiroko sometimes works with clients after the design is complete, helping them select and negotiate with a contractor, and serving as an advisor and advocate during the construction process.


„Kada dođe vreme za izgradnju, moji klijenti smatraju da je korisno imati nekoga ko je na njihovoj strani tokom celog procesa, kaže Hiroko. „Želim da budem sigurna da dizajn bude realizovan baš onako kao su oni zamislili“.



Why should you choose an architect for your home renovation?


Architects solve problems, examine and inspect the space to be renovated, listen to your needs, wishes and dreams, and then provide solutions that work for both of you. They add professionalism and polish to any project, achieving its maximum value and impact.


Because a more accurate design plan helps contractors make accurate bids (and stick to them), architects can even save you money. Hiroko's many years of experience help her be creative with space and materials in a way that complements the flow and aesthetics of your home.


Dobro planiranje donosi najbolje rezultate“, kaže Hiroko. „Ako je to renoviranje iz Vaših snova, onda je vredno vremena koje uložite u to da uradite kako treba“.


If you found these tips and article interesting, visit our site where you can find everything you need to successfully renovate your home. Whether it is a search for craftsmen or a store, we are at your disposal! For more interesting articles visit our blog where you can find creative ideas that you can apply in your home.


Adapted from: lindseyarchitects.com



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